Wednesday, August 20, 2008

les than a hundred days to go...

we were up in Rhode Island this weekend doing a million things for the wedding. we managed to meet with the tux rental place, the florist, and I had my dress fitting, hair appointment and bridal shower the next day. The photo to the left is of me with my "towers-inspired" cake (which was very tasty on the inside).
i'm pretty much ready for November to be here, although we do have quite a bit to do before the big day. it's just a lot of details at this point. we're going to start printing the invitations soon and before we know it, it will be here.
life, in the non-wedding sense, is going really well. work is, and will always be, busy, but I'd much rather that than sitting around reading facebook all day. seriously.
that's all for now. someday, i will start writing eloquent, long, interesting posts. this, my friends, on the day that my brain is running incredibly slow (thank you stomach meds) is absolutely not that day.

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